#include #include /* We are going to handle formulas of propositional logic, with False (written "0") True (written "1") Variables (written "a".."z", "A".."Z") Negation (written "~e") Conjunction (written "e & f") Disjunction (written "e | f") Exclusive Or (written "e ^ f") Implication (written "e > f") Equivalence (written "e = f") The first thing we have to do is decide how to represent these inside the computer. I am going to use trees with labels on the nodes representing the operators, so p & (p > q) > q will be read as (> (& p (> p q)) q) and stored as a tree [> / \] / \ / [Var q] [& / \] / \ [Var p] [> / \] / \ [Var p] [Var q] We'll represent which variable is which by an integer 0..63; the surface syntax only allows 52 variables, but we'll allow 64 in the internal representation. x ^ y is the same as x = ~y. */ enum Tag { False, True, Variable, Not, And, Or, Implies, Equiv }; typedef struct Node *formula; struct Node { enum Tag tag; union { int number; /* variable number */ formula operand[2]; } u; }; /* Now we want to read and write these things. We rely on operator precedence: ~ binds tightest, & next, | next, -> next, = weakest. We'll use parentheses whenever a low precedence operator governs an argument of a high precedence operator. &, |, and ^ are commutative and associative. It is customary to read p -> q -> r as p -> (q -> r). = is commutative, but not associative. */ static void fwrite_formula_in_context(FILE *stream, formula f, enum Tag context) { switch (f->tag) { case False: putc('0', stream); break; case True: putc('1', stream); break; case Variable: putc((f->u.number > 26 ? 'A'-27 : 'a'-1) + f->u.number, stream); break; case Not: putc('~', stream); fwrite_formula_in_context(stream, f->u.operand[0], Not); break; case And: if (context < And) putc('(', stream); fwrite_formula_in_context(stream, f->u.operand[0], And); putc('&', stream); fwrite_formula_in_context(stream, f->u.operand[1], And); if (context < And) putc(')', stream); break; case Or: if (context < Or) putc('(', stream); fwrite_formula_in_context(stream, f->u.operand[0], Or); putc('|', stream); fwrite_formula_in_context(stream, f->u.operand[1], Or); if (context < Or) putc(')', stream); break; case Implies: if (context < Implies) putc('(', stream); fwrite_formula_in_context(stream, f->u.operand[0], Or); putc('>', stream); fwrite_formula_in_context(stream, f->u.operand[1], Implies); if (context < Implies) putc(')', stream); break; case Equiv: if (context < Equiv) putc('(', stream); fwrite_formula_in_context(stream, f->u.operand[0], Implies); putc('=', stream); fwrite_formula_in_context(stream, f->u.operand[1], Implies); if (context < Equiv) putc(')', stream); break; } } static void fwrite_formula(FILE *stream, formula f) { fwrite_formula_in_context(stream, f, Equiv); fprintf(stream, ";\n"); } static void write_formula(formula f) { fwrite_formula(stdout, f); } /* Before we can read these things, we have to be able to create them. Later on, we are going to allocate lots and lots of them, and we'll want to do that fast. So we are going to keep a block of 1000 Nodes, dealing them out one at a time, and whenever we run out, we'll get another 1000. */ static struct Node initial_nodes[64] = { {False , { 0}}, {Variable, { 1}}, {Variable, { 2}}, {Variable, { 3}}, {Variable, { 4}}, {Variable, { 5}}, {Variable, { 6}}, {Variable, { 7}}, {Variable, { 8}}, {Variable, { 9}}, {Variable, {10}}, {Variable, {11}}, {Variable, {12}}, {Variable, {13}}, {Variable, {14}}, {Variable, {15}}, {Variable, {16}}, {Variable, {17}}, {Variable, {18}}, {Variable, {19}}, {Variable, {20}}, {Variable, {21}}, {Variable, {22}}, {Variable, {23}}, {Variable, {24}}, {Variable, {25}}, {Variable, {26}}, {False , { 0}}, /* unused */ {False , { 0}}, /* unused */ {False , { 0}}, /* unused */ {False , { 0}}, /* unused */ {False , { 0}}, /* unused */ {True , { 1}}, {Variable, {27}}, {Variable, {28}}, {Variable, {29}}, {Variable, {30}}, {Variable, {31}}, {Variable, {32}}, {Variable, {33}}, {Variable, {34}}, {Variable, {35}}, {Variable, {36}}, {Variable, {37}}, {Variable, {38}}, {Variable, {39}}, {Variable, {40}}, {Variable, {41}}, {Variable, {42}}, {Variable, {43}}, {Variable, {44}}, {Variable, {45}}, {Variable, {46}}, {Variable, {47}}, {Variable, {48}}, {Variable, {49}}, {Variable, {50}}, {Variable, {51}}, {Variable, {52}}, {True , { 1}}, /* unused */ {True , { 1}}, /* unused */ {True , { 1}}, /* unused */ {True , { 1}}, /* unused */ {True , { 1}} /* unused */ }; #define ffalse &initial_nodes[0] #define ftrue &initial_nodes[32] /* We are going to keep a list of blocks of nodes. In fact, we'll keep two: inuse_list blocks with allocations in them spare_list blocks that are completely free Allocation will proceed from the block at the front as long as there are any nodes_left there; when that runs out we move the first block from spare_list to inuse_list, or if there aren't any, allocate a new one. */ struct Pool_Block { struct Pool_Block *next; struct Node node[1000]; }; static struct Pool_Block *inuse_list = 0, *spare_list = 0; static int nodes_left = 0; static formula make_node(enum Tag tag, formula lhs, formula rhs) { formula r; register struct Pool_Block *list; if (nodes_left == 0) { list = spare_list; if (list == 0) { list = malloc(sizeof *list); if (list == 0) { perror("memory ran out"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { spare_list = list->next; } list->next = inuse_list; inuse_list = list; nodes_left = sizeof list->node/sizeof list->node[0]; } else { list = inuse_list; } r = &list->node[--nodes_left]; r->tag = tag, r->u.operand[0] = lhs, r->u.operand[1] = rhs; return r; } static void free_all_nodes(void) { struct Pool_Block *p, *q; for (p = inuse_list; p != 0; p = q) { q = p->next; p->next = spare_list; spare_list = p; } inuse_list = 0; nodes_left = 0; } #define make_not( e) make_node(Not, e, (formula)0) #define make_and( e, f) make_node(And, e, f) #define make_or( e, f) make_node(Or, e, f) #define make_implies(e, f) make_node(Implies, e, f) #define make_equiv( e, f) make_node(Equiv, e, f) #define make_xor( e, f) make_node(Equiv, e, make_not(f)) /* Now we can read. We are going to use this grammar: primary = '0' | '1' | /[a-zA-Z]/ | '(' expr ')' | '~' primary conj = primary {'&' primary}... disj = conj {'|' conj}... xor = disj {'^' disj}... impl = xor ['->' impl] expr = impl ['=' impl] formula = expr ';' Each of these will correspond to a parsing function. On entry to each of the functions (except 'formula', which has to get things started), the next character in the input will not be white space. Unfortunately, C99 added a 'conj' function, so I renamed my conj() to conjf(). Unfortunately, C99 added that too! So all the xxx functions have been renamed to read_xxx. */ static formula read_expr(FILE *); static void deblank(FILE *stream) { int c; do c = getc(stream); while (c <= ' ' && c != EOF); ungetc(c, stream); } static formula read_primary(FILE *stream) { formula r; int c; c = getc(stream); if (c == '0') { r = ffalse; } else if (c == '1') { r = ftrue; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { r = &initial_nodes[c-'a'+1]; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { r = &initial_nodes[c-'A'+33]; } else if (c == '(') { deblank(stream); r = read_expr(stream); c = getc(stream); if (c != ')') { fprintf(stderr, "Missing )\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (c == '~') { deblank(stream); r = make_not(read_primary(stream)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "A primary cannot start with '%c'\n", c); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } deblank(stream); return r; } static int at_op(FILE *stream, int op) { int c; c = getc(stream); if (c == op) { deblank(stream); return 1; } else { ungetc(c, stream); return 0; } } static formula read_conj(FILE *stream) { formula r; r = read_primary(stream); while (at_op(stream, '&')) r = make_and(r, read_primary(stream)); return r; } static formula read_disj(FILE *stream) { formula r; r = read_conj(stream); while (at_op(stream, '|')) r = make_or(r, read_conj(stream)); return r; } static formula read_xor(FILE *stream) { formula r; r = read_disj(stream); while (at_op(stream, '^')) r = make_xor(r, read_disj(stream)); return r; } static formula read_impl(FILE *stream) { formula r; r = read_xor(stream); if (at_op(stream, '>')) r = make_implies(r, read_impl(stream)); return r; } static formula read_expr(FILE *stream) { formula r; r = read_impl(stream); if (at_op(stream, '=')) r = make_equiv(r, read_impl(stream)); return r; } /* At end of file, fread_formula will return a null pointer, which is not a formula. */ static formula fread_formula(FILE *stream) { formula r; int c; do c = getc(stream); while (c <= ' ' && c != EOF); if (c == EOF) return (formula)0; ungetc(c, stream); r = read_expr(stream); c = getc(stream); if (c != ';') { fprintf(stderr, "Expected ';' at end of formula but got %c'\n", c); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } do c = getc(stream); while (c == ' ' || c == '\t'); if (c != '\n') ungetc(c, stream); return r; } static formula read_formula(void) { return fread_formula(stdin); } /* The next step is simplification. We shall simplify a formula in a context, which is - a set of variables to be regarded as true (pos) - a set of variables to be regarded as false (neg). We shall return - a simplified formula - the set of variables occurring positively in it - the set of variables occurring negatively in it. A variable x occurs positively in variable v iff v is x negation ~e iff x occurs negatively in e conjunction e&f iff x occurs positively in e or f disjunction e|f iff x occurs positively in e or f implication e>f iff x occurs positively in f or negatively in e because (e -> f) = (~e | f) equivalence e=f iff x occurs positively or negatively in e or f because (e = f) = (e & f | ~e & ~f). A variable x occurs negatively in negation ~e iff x occurs positively in e conjunction e&f iff x occurs negatively in e or f disjunction e|f iff x occurs negatively in e or f implication e>f iff x occurs negatively in f or positively in e equivalence e=f iff x occurs positively or negatively in e or f To make life simple for ourselves, we'll represent a set of variables by a bitmask, with m&(1<tag) { case False: case True: *s = e; *occ_pos = *occ_neg = empty; return; case Variable: if (has(pos, e->u.number)) { *s = ftrue; *occ_pos = *occ_neg = empty; } else if (has(neg, e->u.number)) { *s = ffalse; *occ_pos = *occ_neg = empty; } else { *s = e; *occ_neg = empty; *occ_pos = with(empty, e->u.number); } return; case Not: simplify(e->u.operand[0], pos, neg, &x, &px, &nx); if (x->tag == Not) { *s = x->u.operand[0]; /* ~~x = x */ } else if (x->tag == False) { /* ~0 = 1 */ *s = ftrue; /* px, nx are already {} */ } else if (x->tag == True) { /* ~1 = 0 */ *s = ffalse; /* px, nx are already {} */ } else if (x == e->u.operand[0]) { *s = e; /* no change */ } else { *s = make_not(x); } *occ_pos = nx; /* note the swap! */ *occ_neg = px; /* note the swap! */ return; case And: simplify(e->u.operand[0], pos, neg, &x, &px, &nx); simplify(e->u.operand[1], pos, neg, &y, &py, &ny); if (x->tag == False) { /* 0&y = 0 */ *s = x; *occ_pos = *occ_neg = empty; } else if (x->tag == True) { /* 1&y = y */ *s = y; *occ_pos = py, *occ_neg = ny; } else if (y->tag == False) { /* x&0 = 0 */ *s = y; *occ_pos = *occ_neg = empty; } else if (y->tag == True) { /* x&1 = x */ *s = x; *occ_pos = px, *occ_neg = nx; } else if (x == y) { /* x&x = x */ *s = x; *occ_pos = px, *occ_neg = nx; } else if (x->tag == Not && x->u.operand[0] == y || y->tag == Not && y->u.operand[0] == x ) { /* x & ~x = ~x & x = 0 */ *s = ffalse; *occ_pos = *occ_neg = empty; } else { if (x == e->u.operand[0] && y == e->u.operand[1]) { *s = e; /* no change */ } else { *s = make_and(x, y); /* x is simpler or y is */ } *occ_pos = sunion(px, py); *occ_neg = sunion(nx, ny); } return; case Or: simplify(e->u.operand[0], pos, neg, &x, &px, &nx); simplify(e->u.operand[1], pos, neg, &y, &py, &ny); if (x->tag == True) { /* 1|y = 1 */ *s = x; *occ_pos = *occ_neg = empty; } else if (x->tag == False) { /* 0|y = y */ *s = y; *occ_pos = py, *occ_neg = ny; } else if (y->tag == True) { /* x|1 = 1 */ *s = y; *occ_pos = *occ_neg = empty; } else if (y->tag == False) { /* x|0 = x */ *s = x; *occ_pos = px, *occ_neg = nx; } else if (x == y) { /* x|x = x */ *s = x; *occ_pos = px, *occ_neg = nx; } else if (x->tag == Not && x->u.operand[0] == y || y->tag == Not && y->u.operand[1] == x ) { /* x | ~x = ~x | x = 1 */ *s = ftrue; *occ_pos = *occ_neg = empty; } else { if (x->tag == Not) { /* (~z)|y = z>y */ *s = make_implies(x->u.operand[0], y); } else if (x == e->u.operand[0] && y == e->u.operand[1]) { *s = e; /* no change */ } else { *s = make_or(x, y); /* x is simpler, or y is */ } *occ_pos = sunion(px, py); *occ_neg = sunion(nx, ny); } return; case Implies: simplify(e->u.operand[0], pos, neg, &x, &px, &nx); simplify(e->u.operand[1], pos, neg, &y, &py, &ny); if (x->tag == True) { /* 1>y = y */ *s = y; *occ_pos = py, *occ_neg = ny; } else if (x->tag == False) { /* 0>y = 1 */ *s = ftrue; *occ_pos = *occ_neg = empty; } else if (y->tag == True) { /* x>1 = 1 */ *s = y; *occ_pos = *occ_neg = empty; } else if (y->tag == False) { /* x>0 = ~x */ if (x->tag == Not) { /* (~z)>0 = z */ *s = x->u.operand[0]; } else { *s = make_not(x); } *occ_pos = nx, *occ_neg = px; } else if (x == y) { /* x>x = 1 */ *s = ftrue; *occ_pos = *occ_neg = empty; } else { if (x->tag == Not) { /* (~z)>y z|y */ *s = make_or(x->u.operand[0], y); } else if (x == e->u.operand[0] && y == e->u.operand[1]) { *s = e; /* no change */ } else { *s = make_implies(x, y); /* x is simpler, or y is */ } *occ_pos = sunion(nx, py); *occ_neg = sunion(px, ny); } return; case Equiv: simplify(e->u.operand[0], pos, neg, &x, &px, &nx); simplify(e->u.operand[1], pos, neg, &y, &py, &ny); if (x->tag == True) { /* (1=y) = y */ *s = y; *occ_pos = py, *occ_neg = ny; } else if (x->tag == False) { /* (0=y) = ~y */ if (y->tag == Not) { *s = y->u.operand[0]; } else { *s = make_not(y); } *occ_pos = ny, *occ_neg = py; } else if (y->tag == True) { /* (x=1) = x */ *s = x; *occ_pos = px, *occ_neg = nx; } else if (y->tag == False) { /* (x=0) = ~x */ if (x->tag == Not) { *s = x->u.operand[0]; } else { *s = make_not(x); } *occ_pos = nx, *occ_neg = px; } else if (x == y) { /* (x=x) = x */ *s = ftrue; *occ_pos = *occ_neg = empty; } else { if (x == e->u.operand[0] && y == e->u.operand[1]) { *s = e; /* no change */ } else { *s = make_equiv(x, y); /* x is simpler, or y is */ } px = sunion(px, nx); py = sunion(py, ny); *occ_pos = *occ_neg = sunion(px, py); } return; } } static void fwrite_set(FILE *stream, set s) { int i; char c, x; c = '{'; for (i = 1; i <= 52; i++) { if (has(s, i)) { putc(c, stream); x = (i <= 26 ? 'a'-1 : 'A'-27) + i; putc(x, stream); c = ','; } } if (c == '{') putc(c, stream); putc('}', stream); } static void write_set(set s) { fwrite_set(stdout, s); } /* Finally, our method of solving a propositional formula (finding an interpretation under which it is true) is this: to solve e given pos and neg simplify e given pos and neg producing e', occ-pos, occ-neg if occ-pos .intersection. occ-neg is empty then if occ-pos U occ-neg is empty e' must be True or False. if e' is True, pos U occ-pos, neg U occ-neg is a solution. else solve e' given pos U occ-pos and neg U occ-neg otherwise let x be any element of occ-pos .intersection. occ-neg solve e' given pos U (occ-pos \ occ-neg) U {x} and neg U (occ-neg \ occ-pos). solve e' given pos U (occ-pos \ occ-neg) and neg U (occ-neg \ occ-pos) U {x}. Given that there may be many solutions, how do we report them? Answer: accept a function that says what to do with a solution. We'll hack this slightly so that the function returns a result saying whether to stop. */ static int solve( formula e, set pos, set neg, int (*handler)(set, set) ) { set occ_pos, occ_neg, occ_both; simplify(e, pos, neg, &e, &occ_pos, &occ_neg); occ_both = sinter(occ_pos, occ_neg); if (occ_both == empty) { pos = sunion(pos, occ_pos); neg = sunion(neg, occ_neg); simplify(e, pos, neg, &e, &occ_pos, &occ_neg); if (sunion(occ_pos, occ_neg) != empty) abort(); if (e->tag == True) { return handler(pos, neg); } else { return 0; } } else { pos = sunion(pos, sdiff(occ_pos, occ_both)); neg = sunion(neg, sdiff(occ_neg, occ_both)); occ_both &=~ (occ_both-1); return solve(e, sunion(pos, occ_both), neg, handler) || solve(e, pos, sunion(neg, occ_both), handler); } } /* To find and print single solution, we need a handler that prints its arguments and returns 1. */ static int print_first_solution_handler(set pos, set neg) { printf("p = "); write_set(pos); printf(", n = "); write_set(neg); printf(".\n"); return 1; } static void print_first_solution(formula e) { if (!solve(e, empty, empty, print_first_solution_handler)) printf("No solutions.\n"); } /* For testing purposes, we are going to use the simple blind backtracking-over-all-variables approach. */ static void print_all_solutions(formula e, set pos, set neg) { set p, n; simplify(e, pos, neg, &e, &p, &n); p = sunion(p, n); if (p == empty) { /* The only way you can get a simplified formula with */ /* no variables is if it is True or False. */ if (e->tag == True) (void)print_first_solution_handler(pos, neg); } else { p = p&~ (p-1); print_all_solutions(e, sunion(pos, p), neg); print_all_solutions(e, pos, sunion(neg, p)); } } int main(void) { formula r; while ((r = read_formula()) != 0) { write_formula(r); print_first_solution(r); print_all_solutions(r, empty, empty); printf("\n"); free_all_nodes(); } return 0; }