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Holger Regenbrecht, Department of Information Science


Voxel-based Mixed Reality


Owheo G34 - 1:00 pm, Friday 14 September


TFor mixed reality applications, where reality and virtual reality are spatially merged and aligned in interactive real-time, we propose a pure voxel representation as a rendering and interaction method of choice. We show that voxels--gap-less volumetric pixels in a regular grid in space--allow for an actual user experience of a mixed reality environment, for a seamless blending of virtual and real, and for a sense of presence and co-presence in such an environment.

We argue the case for voxels by (1) conceptually defining and illustrating voxel-based mixed reality, (2) describing the computational feasibility, (3) presenting a fully functioning, low resolution prototype, (4) empirically exploring the user experience, and finally (5) discussing current work and future directions for voxel-based mixed reality.

If everything is based on voxels, even if coarse, visual coherence is achieved inherently. We argue that voxels are an effective way of experiencing and interacting with mixed reality environments.

Last modified: Tuesday, 11-Sep-2018 08:33:29 NZST

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