DR RAJARSHI DAS Dr Rajarshi Das is a Postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), USA and at the Santa Fe Institute (SFI). He is visiting New Zealand to present his research at the First International Conference on Unconventional Models of Computation (UMC'98) at the University of Auckland from 5-9 January, 1998. THE EVOLUTION OF EMERGENT COMPUTATION IN CELLULAR AUTOMATA Abstract: How does an evolutionary process interact with a decentralised, distributed system in order to produce globally coordinated behaviour? Using a genetic algorithm (GA) to evolve cellular automata (CAs), it is shown that the emergent coordination is engendered when evolution takes advantage of the underlying medium's potential to form embedded particles. The particles, typically walls or defects between homogeneous domains, are designed by the evolutionary process to resolve global conflicts in the system. Description of typical solutions discovered by the GA, and the discovered coordination algorithm in terms of embedded particles dynamics will be presented. The particle-level description will also be employed to analyse the evolutionary sequence by which the solutions were discovered. The results have implications both for understanding emergent collective behaviour in natural systems and for the automatic programming of decentralised spatially extended multiprocessor systems. When: 1.00 pm, Tuesday, 27 January 1998 Where: Seminar Room, Archway West