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Yasser Hammam, Information Science


Geographical vector agents


Archway 2 - 1:00 pm, Friday 29 July 2005


The work reported here has been motivated by the need for a generic spatial model to overcome the limitations of Cellular Automata (CA) regarding the rigid square-cell structure and limited neighbourhood configurations. A novel approach for spatial modelling technique is developed: the "vector-agent" in which the individual entity is represented by its real geometric boundaries (which can change over time) beneath an agent modelling structure. We show in this talk how to produce a generic and dynamic model based on the vector data structure. Through computer simulation, different techniques and algorithms have been derived achieving a high degree of representational realism for a variety of phenomena. An early experiment for von Thunen's land use simulation as well as an abstraction of Conway's CA-Game of Life rules based on irregular geometry will be presented.

Last modified: Thursday, 28-Jul-2005 17:23:30 NZST

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