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Tracy Camp, Fullbright Scholar, Colorado School of Mines


Recent Activities in the U.S.A. to Reverse The Incredible Shrinking Pipeline


Archway 2 - 1:00 pm, Friday 26 May


The number of Bachelor degrees awarded in Computer Science in the United States reached an all-time high in 2002-03 (57,439), and the trend of women earning a decreasing percentage of the Bachelor degrees awarded in CS appeared to have subsided. However, recent data suggests that in the near future the number of degrees that will be awarded in CS will plummet, and one alarming prediction is that U.S. universities will graduate fewer than half of the candidates needed for IT jobs in the U.S. by 2012.

What impact will this abrupt change in CS departments have on the participation of women? Will the incredible shrinking pipeline continue to exist? For that matter, what is the incredible shrinking pipeline, and why does it exist in CS and not other science/ engineering fields?

And, finally, does the incredible shrinking pipeline exist outside the United States?

I will answer these questions in this presentation. I will also discuss the recent activities of several organizations in the United States that exist to ensure women participate in IT, and I will detail one successful example of a university that dramatically reversed the incredible shrinking pipeline trend. Lastly, I will give suggestions on what you and your university might consider implementing to increase the participation of both men and women in computing.

Recent Activities in the U.S.A. to Reverse The Incredible Shrinking Pipeline.ppt

Last modified: Thursday, 28-Jul-2005 17:23:30 NZST

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