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Developing Firefox, Mozilla Corporation


Developing Firefox


Archway 4 - 1:00 pm, Tuesday 7 August


Mozilla is a non-profit entity whose mission is to promote and improve the open, standards-based Web; its strategy is to deliver browser improvements for users and Web developers in Firefox. But browser development is a brutal business; while trying to improve the browser and the Web as a platform we must pursue strict performance, security, cross-platform and compatibility goals, in the face of cut-throat competition and an ever-changing Web landscape. To make it even more interesting, we are one of the world's flagship open source projects. I will talk about the challenges we presently face, the tools, processes, and technologies we use, and what works and what doesn't. I will describe looming issues such as multi-core architectures and how we might (or might not) solve them. I will discuss why and how people should get involved in projects like Firefox.

Last modified: Thursday, 28-Jul-2005 17:23:30 NZST

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