(DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT) A First Path Through the R On-Line Help for Beginners There is no substitute for a good book or two, such as Introductory: "Introductory Statistics with R", Dalgaard. "An R and S-PLUS companion to applied regression", J. Fox More advanced: "Modern Applied Statistics with S", Venables & Ripley, "The (New) S Language", Becker, Chambers, & Wilks, "S Programming", Venables & Ripley You should also read the documentation that comes with R, "An Introduction to R", "The R Language Definition", and "R Data Import/Export" at a minimum. If you have R, you have these documents, and they tell you a lot of things you need to know. R has extensive on-line help. It is so extensive that it can be difficult to find what you need. The purpose of this note is to provide a first path through this on-line documentation. THIS IS NOT AN INDEX. Use help.search for that (I do). It is a small selection of help pages you should read thoroughly to move from total novice to competent apprentice level. To obtain on-line help about a one-word topic, type help(topic) or ?topic at the command prompt. If the topic is an operator or keyword (like "+" or "for") you will have to put quotation marks around it. You may use quotation marks for other topics as well. THE HELP SYSTEM ITSELF ?help ?help.search ?help.start THE R LANGUAGE AND BASIC ARITHMETIC ?Syntax # capital S required ?Arithmetic ?Comparison ?Control ?ifelse ?switch ?Extract # Read with extreme care repeatedly ?Logic ?Paren OTHER ARITHMETIC FUNCTIONS ?abs ?Bessel ?ceiling ?log ?Special ?Trig BASIC DATA TYPES ?NA ?logical ?numeric ?character ?list ?matrix ?array ?data.frame ?factor BASIC OPERATIONS ON VECTORS ?c Construct column vector ?cumsum ?interaction ?length ?"[" (same as ?Extract. Read it again.) ?lapply ?na.action ?na.omit ?names ?order ?rank ?rep ?replace ?rev ?seq ?sequence ?sort ?sum LOGICAL VECTORS ?all ?any ?ifelse ?subset ?which ?"%in%" ?"&" STRING (CHARACTER) OPERATORS ?letters ?charmatch ?chartr ?grep ?match ?nchar ?paste ?pmatch ?sprintf ?strsplit ?strwidth ?strwrap ?substr ?system (like `...` in sh) MATRICES ?apply ?cbind ?col ?colMeans ?colnames ?colSums ?det ?diag ?dim ?dimnames ?drop ?eigen ?lower.tri ?ncol Same as ?nrow ?outer ?qr ?rbind ?row ?rowMeans ?rownames ?rowSums ?rowsum ?solve ?svd ?t Transpose ?"[" Again, with special attention to 'drop' ?"%*%" Matrix multiplication ?"%o%" ?"%x%" ELEMENTARY DESCRIPTVE STATISTICS AND TESTS ?binom.test ?chisq.test ?cor.test ?fivenum ?IQR ?ks.test ?mad ?mean ?median ?medpolish ?prop.test ?quantile ?range ?residuals ?sd ?stem ?summary ?table ?t.test ?var ?var.test F test ?weighted.mean ?wilcox.test MODEL FITTING ?AIC ?anova ?aov ?coef ?fitted.values ?formula ESSENTIAL reading for model fitting ?influence.measures ?lm Fits linear models ?predict ?residuals ?vcov INPUT/OUTPUT ?connections Opening & closing files ?count.fields ?data ?load ?readBin ?read.csv ?readLines ?read.table ?save ?scan ?write ?writeBin ?writeLines ?write.table PLOTTING ?abline ?axis ?barplot ?boxplot ?density ?Devices ?dev.off ?dev.print ?dotchart ?hist ?legend ?lines ?par Reread until your eyes water! ?plot ?points ?qqplot ?scatter.smooth ?stripchart DISTRIBUTIONS AND RANDOM NUMBERS Distributions have d (density), p (pdf), q inverse pdf (quantile), and r (random generator) functions. ?dbeta ?dbinom ?dcauchy ?dchisq ?dexp ?df ?dgamma ?dgeom ?dhyper ?dlnorm ?dlogis ?dmultinom ?dnbinom ?dnorm ?dpois ?dt ?dunif ?dweibull ?dwilcox help(package=mvtnorm) ?sample (DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT) (DRAFT)