Permutation Patterns 2006

The fourth annual international conference on Permutation Patterns will take place in Reykjavik 12 - 16 June, 2006.

The conference themes include (but are not limited to) enumeration questions, excluded pattern questions, study of the involvement order, algorithms for computing with permutation patterns, applications and generalisations of permutation patterns, and others.

Researchers who wish to present a talk at the conference should send an extended abstract of at most six pages to Vince Vatter by 1 May 2006.

To register for the conference please send an email to Sergey Kitaev saying that you would like to attend. The registration fee for the conference is $100 (US) if notification of intention to attend is received by 1 May 2006, or $130 thereafter. However, please do not send money to us before the conference; instead we shall collect the registration fee at the conference itself.

The conference has limited funding to support some of the participants. We ask that you request support only in case of a real need for it. Priority will be given to graduate students and postdocs who have a hard time finding money to attend. If you are interested in financial support, please send your request (electronically) to by April 1, 2006. Your request should include the following:

  1. Your name
  2. E-mail address
  3. Affiliation
  4. Current position
  5. (Expected) year of Ph.D.
  6. Your estimated transportation and living expenses. If you are a student, please give the name and email address of your advisor. Also, it is highly recommended that your advisor send a short letter of recommendation for you directly to by the due-date.