Questions & Answers

Q: What does COSC212 cover?

A: In COSC212 you will learn about:

  • Programming web applications
  • Client-side scripting with JavaScript
  • Synchronous dynamic web pages with AJAX
  • Server-side scripting with PHP
  • Basic database access from PHP with MySQL

Q: How many lectures and labs are there?

A: COSC212 coursework includes two one-hour lectures and two two-hour labs per week.

Q: What are the pre-requisites for COSC212?

A: COMP160 is a prerequisite for COSC212. COMP160 is strongly recommended for most students, as there is a significant programming component to the course. If you haven't done them but are able to prove you have all the knowledge it teaches, then we may be able to exempt you from the prerequisite requirement. Contact our course advisers to discuss your options:

Q: The paper sounds pretty good, but I'd like some more information and guidance before I make up my mind, where can I get some?

A: Come and have a chat with us, or if that isn't possible at the moment, contact us by email or phone and we will gladly send you more information and answer any questions you may have. Have a look at the Contacts page for our details.

Q: I've done COMP112 and now I can make pretty good web pages, why should I do COSC212?

A: At the end of COMP112 you have the skills to produce quality static web pages. COSC212 takes those skills further and moves into dynamic web development enabling you to create much more sophisticated web sites.

Q: What sort of assessment will there be?

A: 50% of your final mark comes from internal work, the rest from your final exam. Your internal work will consist of both regular lab work and larger projects.