SMMC Logo History and Aims
Locations and Classes Class Structure Contact us
Dates What age to start
Demonstration Concert

How to Enrol
40th Anniversary

Notes  Class Structure

First year pupils receive up to one hour's tuition.

2nd year pupils have their lesson and also attend an ensemble at no extra cost.

Pupils may enrol for ensembles if having private lessons.

Musicianship Theory class is an addition to the above.

Classes are taught in small groups made up of children with similar musical abilities.

Pupils will need to buy tutor books as directed by their teacher.

Primary pupils may enrol in Open Division ensembles at Open Division costs.

Notes  Organisation

The SMMC functions largely under the Ministry of Education Out of Hours Classes  Regulations for Primary Schools. This means that all Primary school children are subsidised, while Secondary or Tertiary students, and adults are not. This is why we have two Divisions: Primary Division and Open Division.
