computer science


Photonic Neural Networks Research Group

I am leading the Photonic Neural Network Research Group, which is a sub-group in Systems Research Group. My research interests include

Resource Optimization in Computer Systems/Networks/Architectures

Graph Theory and its Applications (Geometric Embedding)

AI Acceleration with Photonic Computing and Communication (AI accelerators, Optimization, Chiplet)

Parallel and Distributed Computing (IoT, parallel model, multicore computers)

Wired/Wireless Networks (Optical Network-on-Chips, Sensor Networks, Data Center Networks)

High Performance Computing (Optical Computing/ Communication, Green/Cloud Computing)

Energy-related Research (Energy-efficient Design/Energy Modeling)

Research Fund:

Marsden Fund 2016-2020 (PI) by Royal Society of New Zealand: Optical Network-on-Chips (ONoCs): Architectures and Routing Algorithms for Ultra High-Throughput and Energy- Efficient On-Chip Communications (300,000$, 12 out of 113 in MIS panel)

UORG Fund 2020 (PI): Al-enabled Optical network-on-Chip (AI-NoC): Efficient Routing Schemes for Deep Learning Algorithm on Optical Network-on-Chips

UORG Fund 2015 (PI): Emerging Optical Network on Chips (ONoCs): Efficient Routing Schemes [this proposal also received Marsden Near Miss Fund in 2013 (8 our of 37)]

UORG Fund 2014 (PI): Energy-aware Task Scheduling for Parallel Applications on Multicore Computers [this proposal also received Marsden Near Miss Fund in 2012 (7 our of 29)]