
I work in combinatorics and algorithms. The motivating area is container data types and this has led to many results on Restricted Permutations. Many of these problems were studied by the Otago University Theory of Computing Research Group which I established in 2000. I retired at the end of December 2012 and continue my association with Otago as Professor Emeritus.

My previous research areas include varieties of groups, permutation groups, algebraic complexity, linear algebra, ordered sets, additive number theory, random generation of trees, and descent algebras; I occasionally dabble.

See my Google profile for more details about my research papers. I have also written a more discursive account of my mathematical life which explains how I came upon many of the subjects that I've studied.

Contact details email gif

Phone: +64 3 4798538
Fax: +64 3 4798529
Department of Computer Science
University of Otago
P.O. Box 56, Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND.
My Blog: The wonder of it all
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